
[checkIO]Element 09.Correct Sentence

우주먼지의하루 2020. 3. 18. 03:28

For the input of your function, you will be given one sentence. You have to return a corrected version, that starts with a capital letter and ends with a period (dot).

Pay attention to the fact that not all of the fixes are necessary. If a sentence already ends with a period (dot), then adding another one will be a mistake.


Input: A string.

Output: A string.



correct_sentence("greetings, friends") == "Greetings, friends."

correct_sentence("Greetings, friends") == "Greetings, friends."

correct_sentence("Greetings, friends.") == "Greetings, friends."


* 앞 글자가 소문자면 대문자로 바꿔야하고 마지막에 .(온점)을 찍어야한다.

* 앞 글자 이외에 다른 글자는 바꾸면 안됨.


- 풀이


def correct_sentence(text: str) -> str:
    last = len(text) - 1
    if text[0].isupper() == False :
        text=text[0].upper() + text[1:]
    if text[last] != "." :
        text = text + "."
    return text


- 다른 풀이


def correct_sentence(text):

    if text[0].islower():
        text = text[0].upper() + text[1:]
    return text if text[-1] == '.' else text + '.'

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